Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Long pause

I read it in a field,
The dry stubble scratching against the leather of my boots
And the big wind playing chess with the clouds.

And my head was full of the normal rubbish;
Trying to forget what I was all too easily remembering
And trying to remember what had long since forgotten.

So I walked only slowly and I read some old notes
Of things that had once been important
But had somehow faded to the distance.

And I read about the power of pause
And the need to stop, to reconnect
Inward and upward until reality flows again.

So I watched the wind play chess once more
where the white cumulus pieces leapfrogged across the sky
And in my inner wilderness the long pause triggered the move I'd longed to make.

Pawn to King.

(c) A Mc N


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