The galaxies are restless
The galaxies are restless tonight
and the planets are out of orbit.
All the solar systems of my cells are straining at the leash of gravity
to fly apart, disintegrating order. The throb of chaos ripples out from cell to bone to blood to brain.
There are nights like this when peace is a distant world and its memories are dim. Anxieties pepper the night like black stars sucking the light from a daytime sky.
" I have trusted in thy mercy"
and the words are sure.
"my heart shall rejoice"
and the words are strong and strangely true if I should
choose such truth .
The civil war within begins a slow uneasy truce.
The echo in the chaos comes again.
"I have trusted in thy mercy"
It is true.
I have.
I will.
I do.
One by one the dark stars dim
and all the galaxies within
return to ordered orbits once again.
So I will trust
and you will love
as you have always done.
(c) A McN
I have often thought of our own bodies as universes in their own right with constellations of atoms and galaxies of molecules. Insomnia feels like dysfunction on a cosmic scale as each of the systems keep the others awake.
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