for a long time;
that orbit, that inevitable intersection
where the cold dead moon
eclipsed the sun
and stole its warmth away.
And now,
by some unholy jinxing
of celestial mechanics,
the moon has parked
its darkness in your light,
forever freezing you
in black perpetual night.
Or so it seems.
And yet the sun,
resiliently fierce,
is burning still
with strength to melt
the darkness
(if you cease to trail the shadows
of the moon).
It is not your choices that assail you
but your fears.
To face the light again will hurt your eyes,
will smart your skin,
will dent your armoured pride.
But pain is all around us
all the time, on every side,
and what you currently embrace
is scarcely joy.
The trick is in the choosing;
in surrendering yourself
to hurt that makes you whole
instead of hurt
that harms.
The cold, dead, moon is on the move
and if you cease to chase its shadow stain,
the light might,