Saturday, March 01, 2008

The colours of Love

In part it was green,
the colour of the trees
that cradled my early years
and the purple rhododendron
that shone like sticky candy
in the deep wood shade.

In part it was
the white of a rabbit in my outstretched palm
the ginger of hamsters, the black fur of dog
and the ruby red eye
of the albino guinea pig.

There were winter colours;
orange stove embers, pale grey ashes,
the bright woollen palettes
of hand knitted jumpers
and days lengthening to
daffodil yellows.

There were blues of a summer
and greens of a sea,
where a dinghy's deck is flecked with the
white salt spray on the
bronze of the sanded grain.

Silver racquet;
green handled hockey stick,
black camera,
lilac bedspread
yellow beaks of birds and
the purple cassock of the acolyte....
these are the colours of my childhood:

And if love has a colour,
these are the colours of love..

(c) A Mc N


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