Finding words for her sixty something birthday
For your birthday,
I went fishing for some words for you,
casting my net in the ocean
of my memories.
Many memories I caught,
beautiful and glad, but then I had
to let them go again,
for you are bigger than my memory,
residing in the hearts and minds of
many more than me.
So, standing by the shore, I thought to fly a kite instead
and catch some phrases from the ocean breeze,
to seize a sentence telling how I loved
the vast and open spaces of our shared experience.
But then I stopped and turned around
for you are solid ground and not as fickle
as the breeze, nor changeable as rolling seas.
I look to land instead, beyond the tides
for you are bedrock
where the ocean of my memory resides.
But land has fewer words than I would wish.
I cannot fish for words in rock nor net them
like a butterfly in air.
So I stood there,
dumb and wordless on the land
until you took my hand and held it tight in yours.
Then there was need for words no more.